Al-Jabri: Today’s demonstrations are a call to unify the word and proceed with the elections


Baghdad – INA

The official of the Al-Sadr offices in Baghdad, Ibrahim Al-Jabri, confirmed today, Friday, that the demonstrations of the sons of the Sadrist movement that took place today after Friday prayers in Tahrir Square are a call to unify the word and proceed with the elections.

Al-Jabri said in a statement to Al-Iraqiya News Channel affiliated with the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "Today's demonstrations are a call to unify the word and proceed with the elections," indicating that removing the scourge of corruption on the chest of Iraq will be through fair elections.

He added that "the other goal of the demonstrations is that it is a message to some politicians, and the political forces that are allied through the dark rooms and that seek to cancel the early elections scheduled for the next sixth month."

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