Amendments Committee: All constitutional articles to be completed within two weeks


INA – Baghdad – Noor Al-Zaidi

Constitutional Amendments Committee stressed the need to stabilize the number of deputies in the upcoming parliamentary sessions, confirming the presence of 50 constitutional articles that need to intervene because of the sobriety of linguistic casting in order not to be subject to aspects, indicating that it will complete the remaining constitutional articles within the next two weeks.

"The population of Iraq is increasing by about one million people every year, and this calls for an increase of 10 deputies, as in each election cycle, 40 deputies are added," said a member of the Committee, Yonadim Kanna to Iraqi News Agency (INA), stressing "the need to fix the number of representatives, to prevent every escalation during the parliamentary session,"

He added that there are 50 constitutional articles that require intervention due to the sobriety of language casting, so that they are not subject to any aspects, noting that "the committee has completed 122 constitutional articles, and the remaining 22 to 23 articles will be completed within the next two weeks"

"There are points of contention between the political blocs about the nature of the system, whether it remains parliamentary, presidential, or mixed, and the number of members of the House of Representatives, and the bloc that wins the elections or the largest parliamentary bloc will form the government, in addition to the exclusive powers of the federal authorities and the common competencies between the federation and the regions,"

He explained, "The problem is not the parliamentary system, but rather the rampant corruption and failure of the administration," noting that "the street rose up based on Chapter Two of the Constitution that guaranteed rights and freedoms. There are 23 articles that guarantee rights and 10 articles that guarantee freedoms,"

"The demonstrators demanded their constitutional rights, which guaranteed them political, economic, social and cultural rights, the right to housing, decent living, education, study, health and care," he stressed "these are the constitutional rights for which the street went out, and did not demand that the government be administered, Parliamentary or presidential,"

Earlier, the Presidency of the Republic revealed proposals for constitutional amendments, while indicating that President Salih supports the steps of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

Earlier, the President of the Council of Advisors in the Presidency of the Republic, Ali Al-Shukry, said in an exclusive interview with (INA): “The Presidency’s Council of Advisors has formed a committee for constitutional amendments, and that the focus of the Presidency of the Republic is that the amendments to be of an objective nature, away from political consensus,” pointing "The committee included (23) academics, including university professors, three representatives of the demonstrators, as well as representatives of the United Nations and the European Union, in cooperation with the Canadian Governance Institute, and there is no politicians,"

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